Tuesday, May 31, 2011

31 May 2011

What an awesome day! God is so amazing! Left St. Louis not really excited (as you can tell by pic. on FB) about being on the Interstate at rush hour! As it turned out, not so bad after all! Followed the Mississippi River through Mo. and then crossed by Ferry over to Ill. "Wow" a lot more flooding than expected, actually had to turn around on several roads due to closure. Went through the most beautiful Peach and Apple Orchards. Pat's was amazed as we came through the heartland of America at the farmers that stopped and waved at us! Pat was not sure if it was because of Old Glory flying behind us or jealous of us riding an Iron Horse as they were riding one of sorts as well "John Deers". Needless to say it was an awesome day and we look forward to our ride tomorrow! Have truly met some wonderful people thus far. I have an Ipod with intentions of listening to music, books etc... but since I am nearly deaf and cannot hear over pipes, wind and elements. I have decided that every time I see a street, town, business whatever that has the same name as someone I know I say a prayer for them. How fun this has been! I am trying to keep a list of all names I can remember at the end of the day for my journal!  Did you know there is a town in Tenn. named Shannon and a road named Jammer and Richard? We are so blessed to be able to travel this beautiful land that God has given us! Heading for Michigan tomorrow! To hang with Pat's Aunt and Uncle Wahoo!

31 May 2011

Hey all,
Well we are off this morning heading for Hannibal Missouri first and then on to Michigan to see more family. This time Pat's family. Very interesting week last week here in St. Louis with all the tornado's and such, But had awesome time with all my family and friends. Will miss them all! Missing our Grand babies but having a blast.

Monday, May 23, 2011

22 May 2011

All, We are safe and sound in St Louis.  We had a great first day ride to Columbus AFB, Ms with our BFF's Mary (sister) and Clay. It was a extremely hot 300 mile ride but the fellowship with my sister and Clay was great. The rooms on Columbus AFB were wonderful and you can't beat the $39.00 price. We headed out on Sunday at 0700 and headed north as Mary and Clay headed south. Annette and I had pretty good weather so we pressed on and laid down 480 miles before arriving at her sister's house in Wentzville Mo. (just west of St Louis).  Just as we were arriving into the town of Wentzville a storm blew up and Annette and I actually had to pull into an old deserted car wash for protection. It wasn't until we got to Annette's sisters that we learned about the storm/tornado in Joplin Mo. Please pray for those folks that lost both love ones and everything else. Thanks to all for prayers of protection after seeing the storms that were all around us we are again reminded of God's Grace in our lives. We will be experiencing more storms this week here in Wentzville so please continue praying for better weather. We will be hanging here with family until June 1st and then heading to Michigan. Love to all family and friends, the pics. are of the bike all packed ready to go and the house is where we are staying with Annette's sister and family.