Tuesday, May 31, 2011

31 May 2011

What an awesome day! God is so amazing! Left St. Louis not really excited (as you can tell by pic. on FB) about being on the Interstate at rush hour! As it turned out, not so bad after all! Followed the Mississippi River through Mo. and then crossed by Ferry over to Ill. "Wow" a lot more flooding than expected, actually had to turn around on several roads due to closure. Went through the most beautiful Peach and Apple Orchards. Pat's was amazed as we came through the heartland of America at the farmers that stopped and waved at us! Pat was not sure if it was because of Old Glory flying behind us or jealous of us riding an Iron Horse as they were riding one of sorts as well "John Deers". Needless to say it was an awesome day and we look forward to our ride tomorrow! Have truly met some wonderful people thus far. I have an Ipod with intentions of listening to music, books etc... but since I am nearly deaf and cannot hear over pipes, wind and elements. I have decided that every time I see a street, town, business whatever that has the same name as someone I know I say a prayer for them. How fun this has been! I am trying to keep a list of all names I can remember at the end of the day for my journal!  Did you know there is a town in Tenn. named Shannon and a road named Jammer and Richard? We are so blessed to be able to travel this beautiful land that God has given us! Heading for Michigan tomorrow! To hang with Pat's Aunt and Uncle Wahoo!

1 comment:

  1. Pat, Does your wife know you are taking pictures of bikini clad women while your on vacation with her? I could never get away with that. Jim
