Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Eastport Main to Old Orchard Beach and onto Gloucester Mass

Leaving Eastport Maine once the fog cleared. The fog was so beautiful but sure was not looking forward to driving in it. As it turned out it was a beautiful day for traveling. Had to take a picture of the little fishing boats leaving Eastport it was so cool there. Then coming across a very interesting bridge on our way to Old Orchard Beach.

Upon arriving in Old Orchard Beach we checked in to the Edgewater Inn. Pat was very excited about this particular Inn as it was one that he and his other riding buds (Jerry, Dave but especially Terry) who so wanted to stay here two years ago on the Wild Hog trip they all took. BTW the picture of cigar and bottle of wine is for you Terry. As you can see the room was magnificent and the view wasn't bad either (the Atlantic Ocean). We then walked down the street having a difficult time choosing where to eat as there were so many places to choose from. As you can see we made an excellent choice. The lobster roll was fabulous although not a big fan of clams with bellies (sorry Dave) but Pat did eat them!

Pat and I actually got up at 4:30am to catch the sunrise. It was so beautiful and a great start to another fabulous day of riding. God's creation is so amazing and we have been so blessed to see so many different places.

The trip from Old Orchard Beach to Gloucester Mass took us thru some great little towns. I have a hard time not taking pix of every house and building that catches the eye. The Crows Nest in Gloucester was made famous by George Clooney during the filming of the movie "The Perfect Storm". Clooney and other celebrities pix hang on the wall. Pat and his "Hog" buddies actually stayed in the rooms above the bar 2 years ago. Thankfully (for me) we passed up the opportunity. although the bar was pretty cool. We ate across the street at a great cafe on the pier. I had some fabulous pan seared artichoke hearts with aoli` and mint sauce.

Leaving Gloucester I had to get a picture of the awesome winding roads with all the pretty houses. Also the picture of the statue of the woman and her children looking out at the ocean awaiting her husbands return from the sea! The grounds were so beautiful with all the flowers in bloom and the picture of the actual beach with all the rocks. We are now heading to North of Hartford Conn. to Spend a day or two with Pat's brother Jon. So excited about being able to do laundry (never thought I would ever say that). Pat is very excited about hanging with his brother Jon and we even got to meet his little sister Kathy and family for breakfast as they were traveling through on their way back from a wedding in Rhode Island. A very nice surprise indeed! From here we have couple of days travel heading West back to Lewiston NY for Pat's 40th High School Reunion. Very excited about having some time to spend with Pat's older brother Michael who will be released (hopefully soon) from the hospital. Till then God Bless and we are sure missing everyone. Love to all!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

PEI to East Port, Maine

Well folks we didn't post yesterday because we pretty much had a down day on Prince Edward Island. The weather on Saturday was terrible, overcast and cold. It didn't rain until late that night but Annette and I used the time to rest and recover. We have put down about 4300 miles so far since leaving Florida. We left out this morning to overcast skies and temps still in the 50's, but no rain. We are in a small fishing village called Eastport, Maine. It is just across the US border from Canada. According to their local tourist info we are at the most eastern city in the US.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Anne Of Green Gables, PEI

For all you Anne of Green Gables Fans! This is the tour of the house that the film was made. Most of the pictures speak for themselves! It was an amazing tour and Pat was such a champ to go through all the rooms with me and take pictures. The grounds were absolutely beautiful, they even had a garden planted. Rebecca this is for you!!! We love you!

After the tour of Anne of Green Gables I figured I needed to make it up to Patrick for enduring all of that! So we went for a nice lunch of fish chowder and a small beer!! A place called the Sand Box, it was really good and loved the place for the kids to play, and an actual sand box with toys and all! We were so missing the grandkids here. The lighthouse across the street was so cool. You can reserve a room there too! Wish we had known! But it has been so amazing just seeing so much of this beautiful Island. Thank Goodness we came this weekend as Prince William and Kate are due her next weekend and probably would not have had a place to stay as she is also a huge fan of Anne of Green Gables. Tomorrow we will be exploring the rest of the island and will take more pictures. Love to all and good nite!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

As we left Gaspe' we continued our journey around the peninsula through Perce' the scenery was phenomenal. The weather was very chilly and overcast but as the day progressed the sun came out and it got warmer! We were so happy for that, but the sights were so beautiful we forgot about the cold and as you can see it was awesome! Notice the hole in the big rocks out in the Perce' Bay. Every turn on the winding roads was another amazing view! It just again reminds up of God's amazing creation.