Friday, June 17, 2011

Saranac Lake to Derby Vt.

This morning we got a little later start then usual but the extra couple hours sleep were much needed. We headed out of Saranac and within a half hour we were in Lake Placid where we ate brunch. Olympic village was a flurry of activity as everyone here rides bicycles and backpacks thru the mountain trails. The lake is beautiful and some of the lodges were amazing. We headed east and found ourselves having to cross Lake Champlain by ferry. What a cool ride across the lake and again we met some other motorcycle riders, this time from Canada. They were headed to the bike rally in Laconia NH. Unfortunately that was too far south for us so we headed north on Hwy 2 which took us right down the middle of Lake Champlain and then east on Hwy 105 to Derby Vt. We headed straight to the Cow Palace restaurant where Annette had her first taste of elk (perfectly cooked medium rare) and a twice baked potato.  For my three Wild Hog friends Terry, Jerry and Dave, the elk was just as good as it was the first time:) During dinner a gentleman asked if the Harley with the American and POW/MIA flags parked out front was mine. He asked to shake my hand and introduced himself as US Senator Dave Bloomfield from Nebraska. He is a Vietnam Vet and wanted to thank me for flying the flags, he also told us he has a son deployed to Iraq. Kinda made the night extra special. Annette snapped the picture of this 38 Ford truck while I pumped gas in the bike. We have seen quite a few rare old trucks up here. Annette and I found lodging in Derby and are done for another day. Thank you all for your prayers as we continue this journey. Again God is good and worthy of praise

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