Friday, June 17, 2011

Thousand Islands to Saranac Lake NY

For those following along we left Fort Drum Army Base and headed to Alexandria Bay were we took a tour of the St. Lawrence waterway. There are actually 1900 islands between America and Canada. As you can see some of the places were phenomenal. Actually called Millionaires row. We also visited Bolts Castle. For lunch I had steamed clams (for the first time) and loved them. From there we headed east on highway 3 thru the Adirondack Mts to spend the nite at Saranac Lake NY. It was so beautiful there. We stayed in a little Mom and Pop Motel right on the lake and ate at amazing Italian Restaurant. We had to take pics for those that appreciate an authentic antipasto and cheese covered garlic bread (AMAZING). While dining we met a very nice woman that owned a local antique store which we visited the next morning. That would be the picture of the little house. We then visited the quaint village of Saranac and met a very interesting gentleman that was a Professor of Art at the local college. He gave us a very interesting history lesson of Saranac folk history, music and hippie population. That would be him with Pat in the picture. We have met some really amazing people and sharing our adventure with them as well as their life stories. Because we take the rural roads and try to avoid the Interstates as much as possible, the economic decline across the country has been evident. A lot of Mom and Pop places such as stores, gift shops, motels and much more sit empty. It is another reminder to Pat and I how blessed we are and reminds us to pray for those less fortunate than us.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Wish we were there with you. May God continue to bless you and keep you safe!Love you guys.
