Sunday, June 26, 2011

PEI to East Port, Maine

Well folks we didn't post yesterday because we pretty much had a down day on Prince Edward Island. The weather on Saturday was terrible, overcast and cold. It didn't rain until late that night but Annette and I used the time to rest and recover. We have put down about 4300 miles so far since leaving Florida. We left out this morning to overcast skies and temps still in the 50's, but no rain. We are in a small fishing village called Eastport, Maine. It is just across the US border from Canada. According to their local tourist info we are at the most eastern city in the US.

 Before coming across the border into Maine, I had to take this picture from a Dairy Farm! The rest of the pictures are in the small town of Eastport Maine where we are staying the night. The pictures of the rocks are the actual walk way down to our hotel room. The other pictures are of the town! The brick building with the rounded side is the towns Library! The others are of the restaurant that we ate at and the view from the dock! The iron art of the Lady is out front of our hotel! Thought is was most amusing! The dates on the front of the old brick building were dated 1837! How amazing is that? The  statue of the Old Man from sea was in the center of town and it depicted this town to a T!! At one time this town has 14 working sardine canneries and to date there are none!! Really sad, but the history is soooo amazing. The last picture is Pat and I stopping by a little pub on our walk back to the Hotel. We have enjoyed so much history in such a short time! Until next time, Love to all.

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