Thursday, June 23, 2011

As we left Gaspe' we continued our journey around the peninsula through Perce' the scenery was phenomenal. The weather was very chilly and overcast but as the day progressed the sun came out and it got warmer! We were so happy for that, but the sights were so beautiful we forgot about the cold and as you can see it was awesome! Notice the hole in the big rocks out in the Perce' Bay. Every turn on the winding roads was another amazing view! It just again reminds up of God's amazing creation.

We crossed the bridge into New Brunswick and ended in a small town of Nash Creek. We were so tired and hungry not realizing the time was another hour ahead from where we began. We found a wonderful little B&B, and quite frankly the only thing for the next 50 or so miles. So we chose to stay there and what a wonderful choice it was. A 3rd generation home run by Catherine Hayes and her 101 yr old mother. We felt so blessed to able to stay in their home and hear the stories of her family and heritage. The morning we left we were treated to a wonderful breakfast of fresh squeezed OJ and home made whole grain waffles made and fresh fruit locally grown! We then left on our journey putting down another 260 miles to Prince Edward Island. Were we had a few hours to do much needed laundry and make it back to the hotel in enough time to take these pictures of the sunset! We will be her for two days and for all the Anne of Green Gables Fans we will take as many pictures as possible while here! Love to all.


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